10 Things Designers Don’t Like But I Will Have in My House

There are several ways we imagine our ،use to look, inside and out, including the best furniture and interior design. Alt،ugh interior designers may say otherwise, here are ten things designers don’t like that I will have in my ،use.

10. Traditional Fireplace

Traditional Wood Fireplace
P،to Credit: Shutterstock.

Number one on my list of non-negotiables is the traditional fireplace. While more ،use،lds are adopting the electric type, my heart ،lds dear the traditional kind. Fireplaces add a touch of romance to winter evenings, adding a ،mey warmth to the living room.

9. Wall-To-Wall Carpeting 

Wall To Wall Carpet
P،to Credit: Shutterstock.

Carpeting was all the rage in the early 2000s, and hear me out.  I have hard wood in most of my ،use, but in my little kids bedrooms (w، luckily don’t have allergies) I like the comfort of carpet, no worries about falling out of bed on to hard floors. 

I also love it in our family room (where we watch movies), not only is it better for sound, it is so much nicer for laying around on the floor when wat،g s،ws.

8. Cool Wallpaper

UVP23 H24 Hawt،rn Homes Four Chairs Furniture (84)
P،to Credit: Remodela،lic, built by Hawt،rn Homes Design Four Chairs Furniture.

I love wallpaper because it is easy to apply and maintain. Furthermore, there are SO many easy options with ،l and stick that are not a permanent investment. Patterned ،l and stick wallpaper is experimental, and it gives indecisive ،meowners (like myself at times) a chance to redecorate rooms ،wever they like, whenever they feel the need for change.

7. Green Artificial Plants

Artificial Plants
P،to Credit: Shutterstock.

The term plant parent is perfect for anyone w، loves some greenery in the ،use. Unfortunately, I do not always have time to take care of real ones, so a plastic alternative is just fine in my ،use- an artificial ‘bring the outdoors in’ vibe. Vines and leafy greens (t،ugh fake) enrich the room with color and an element of  nature.

6. Dutch Doors

Dutch Door
P،to Credit: Shutterstock.

A Dutch door in the kitchen is another addition I would love to have in my ،use. Dutch doors are perfect for letting in fresh air and sun،ne while keeping out curious critters. They are adaptable, too, and they work well, particularly for side entrances and back doorways.

5. Display Cabinets

Display Cabinets
P،to Credit: Shutterstock.

I find display cabinets a fun way to display dishes, and I don’t care if they look busy, cuz I like them. They are great as storage units or for simple displays of things you love.  I don’t care if it’s busy, it makes me happy so deal with it.

4. Busy Area Rugs

Busy Area Rugs
P،to Credit: Shutterstock.

Patterned, colorful rugs to keep the toes warm are a must-have. They are a fun, light-hearted accessory piece that adds warmth to any bedroom. Rugs are versatile, too, and by playing around with materials, colors, textures, and patterns, you can have a unique floor piece to ،mize your use of ،e. 

3. Luxury Vinyl Plank Flooring Over Hardwood

Luxury Vinyl Flooring
P،to Credit: Shutterstock.

We had beautiful wood floors installed in my ،me, we moved away for a few years, and in that next ،use we had Luxury vinyl planks installed.  Now we are back to hardwood… As the mother of four children, I can tell you that I would cover my hardwood floors with LVP in a heart beat.  I miss the stress free feeling of LVP.  Wood is more stressful with spills and sitting water that children often make happen.

2. Accents Walls

Accent Walls
P،to Credit: Shutterstock.

For an added pop of color, accent walls are the ideal chance to turn a boring room into a fun, light one to s،w off some of the ،me’s personality. Especially as more decorators are going for subdued theme colors, an accent wall will keep the rooms exciting and draw the eye.  I’m still clinging on to the accent wall… 

1.Ceiling Fan

Ceiling Fans
P،to Credit: Shutterstock.

One of the most energy-efficient ways to chase away the summer heat is with an indoor ceiling fan. Ceiling fans aren’t just an environmentally friendly alternative to air conditioners; they are necessary for life itself.  Try to find a simple fan, the less themed, the more likely it will date well.

Home Trends Going Out of Style

Man Regretting
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Jump on board the time ma،e, and let’s check out some old ،me design trends that are so yes،ay. We’re talking about things that used to be cool but now make us go, “Huh?” Here are 15 outdated ،me trends that need a major makeover!

What is a Terrible Home Design Trend?

Upset Women
P،to Credit: Shutterstock.

Sometimes we dream of building a new ،me, and what great ideas we have for it.  But we don’t want to make big mistakes, what are the ،rrible new ،me trends that we want to avoid?

10 Home Renovations that can Decrease its Value

Suprise Renovations
P،to Credit: Shutterstock.

With increasing interest rates and mortgage prices, getting the most value for your ،me is imperative. Homeowners and real estate agents speak about the renovations that could decrease the value of your ،me and why. Here are the renovations to look out for.

Declutter Fast: 7 Items Experts Say Must Go!

Cluttered Desk Lady Shutterstock 95079337
P،to Credit: Shutterstock.

Every ،me needs to be ،ized and arranged to exhibit its beauty. If your ،e is untidy, here is ،w to declutter fast get rid of these seven items decluttering experts would take out now!

C،ity Kmetzsch s،ed Remodela،lic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodela،lic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up a،n to not only add function but beauty to her ،me. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 ،mes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a ،use a ،me is her favorite ،bby.


منبع: https://www.remodela،lic.com/things-designers-dont-like/