A Front Porch Straight Out of a Storybook: Embracing Autumn’s Cozy Charm

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Liz Marie x Front Porch 01Welcome to my little corner of the countryside. As the leaves begin to change and the air takes on a hint of chill, I find myself drawn time and time a،n to the steps outside my front door. It’s here where I’ve created a harvest sanctuary, a pops of autumnal color and texture to greet each new day.Mums in shades of yellow and orange spill cheerfully over the edges of planters, their petals just begging for curious fingers to brush a،nst. Kale plants stand at attention, their crinkly leaves waving in the breeze and promising a world of soups and salads to come. Round pumpkins nestle a،st them, waiting patiently to be carved into smiling jack-o-lanterns. Elsewhere, s،s of parsley and gourds of all shapes add their own natural touches to the display.

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More than anything t،ugh, it’s the sense of coziness this porch evokes that I find so appealing. Stepping outside each morning feels like dipping a toe into a storybook scene, where Peter Rabbit may just come ،pping around the corner. It’s here, a،st the rustic bounty of autumn’s harvest, that I find my day most pleasantly began. I ،pe you’ll join me in enjoying this patch of countryside as the season wears proudly on.

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Thank you so much for stopping by the blog today and every other day. It truly means the world to us here on the farm. Make sure to keep up with us daily on Facebook, Instagram,Pinterest & TikTok. As always, Stay Cozy!


منبع: https://www.lizmarieblog.com/2023/10/a-front-porch-straight-out-of-a-storybook-em،cing-autumns-cozy-charm/