A “Bland, Boring” Room Becomes a Colorful Home Library

Floor-to-ceiling bookcases fill in an empty room.

Hoping to “lure her teen and tween boys out of their bedroom by providing alternative ambiance,” Mehnaz decided to convert the all-white ،e into a li،ry-study hybrid that could be enjoyed by all of the family. 

“The room was nothing but bland, boring, and builder-beige; over the past two years it was only used a handful of times to accommodate overflow guests,” Mehnaz says. “On an everyday basis, no،y wanted to spend any time there, and the reason is very obvious. The room had no personality or character.”

Frustrated by its lack of purpose, Mehnaz took action to transform it into a versatile area so the family could ،mize its ،ential. To kicks، the project, she hired a professional to build a floor-to-ceiling bookcase that ،uses the entire family’s book collection. 

One takeaway from Mehnaz worth noting? “The beauty of a built-in is that it’s another canvas to express your personality,” she says.

منبع: https://www.apartmenttherapy.com/purple-،me-li،ry-makeover-ba-37357371?utm_source=RSS&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Category%2FChannel%3A+main